Tuesday 4 November 2014

sweet moments... of course sooooo sweettt n the most magical ones

Ok..my ibu had her pantang time here.. tq maktok! i know tq is not enough...tq mak pah!

and the story is here.....jeng jeng jeng

Salam dari Muhammad Raif Naufal. I have one elder sister named Nur Naurah Safiyya. I was born on 09th September,2014 at 745pm weighing 3.47kg and peacefully delivered by Dr.LauYC of Pantai Hospital, Bt Pahat via normal mode. Allah always with my ibu during this struggling moment. ALHAMDULILLAH everything is good and now here i am to see my family. I love you ibu, abah, kakak. Now, there are four of us officially:) Terima kasih tak cukup untuk kesayangan saya, Encik Syahrin yang setiap detik melalui suka dan duka bersama-sama. Hanya Allah yang membalas semua kasih sayang Abang. TQ Allah!

Salam dari Naufal :)